5 Effective Energy Boosters

The lack of energy is often one of the top reasons people give as to why they feel they are unable to follow a healthy living regime. Recent studies say that 2.2 million Americans complain of being overly tired. Most people in this category say it is because they don’t have enough time to complete everything they need or want to do.

We definitely need energy to get through the day and even more energy to change old habits into new ones. In life we all go through extra busy periods, where it seems we can’t catch our breath, let alone accomplish our goals. However, if you consistently feel like you don’t have enough energy to get through the day, it is not normal. Instead of blaming outside circumstances on your lower energy levels, you should take a look into what you are doing to your body that is leaving you needing an energy boost.

Most of the energy we need to get through the day comes from our diet. Everything we ingest into our bodies, is meant to provide us with energy.  Have you noticed that when you eat processed foods, fast foods, greasy foods, or you eat huge portion sizes you feel sleepy or drained? This is because these foods zap your energy and leave you needing an energy boost.

The good news is, you can get an energy boost by incorporating some simple things into your daily habits. Here are 5 ways to boost your energy today!

Eat Breakfast
Many people skip out on eating the first meal of the day because they feel they don’t have time to make anything or don’t feel hungry. Studies show that people who eat breakfast do better mentally and physically than people who don’t. Fruit is a great option for breakfast especially for those who feel they aren’t hungry.

Increase Fiber Intake
Fiber enters our bloodstream at a slow and steady pace, providing us with energy. Eating fibrous foods can lower blood sugar, cut cholesterol, help digestion, and more. Eating fiber-rich whole foods not foods that say "added fiber" are the best way to increase your fiber intake.

Increase Omega-3 Intake
Fueling your brain with omega-3 encourages the body to store carbs as glycogen, the storage form of glucose (blood sugar) and the body's main source of stored fuel. Omega-3 foods keep brain cells healthy, helps you feel mentally alert and boosts energy.

Drink More H20
Staying hydrated is very important especially when you need an energy boost. Water makes up the majority of our blood and fluids so dehydration, even mild, can force the heart to pump harder to carry blood throughout our body. The end result of dehydration is fatigue. Another bonus to drinking water is that it helps keep nutrients flowing throughout the body. To increase your water intake, you can also add juicy fruits to your diet such as melons, grapes, oranges, and grapefruits.

Get 7-8 Hours of Sleep
When we go to bed, our body recharges and prepares us for another day. Not getting enough rest at night can have negative affects on our health including  such as weight gain, high blood pressure, a decrease in the immune system’s power and more. If you have trouble staying asleep at night instead of turning on the TV, get out of bed and do something relaxing that will help clear your head, such as reading, meditating, or writing in a journal.

By incorporating these tips into your lifestyle, I hope that you will begin to see a difference in your energy boost. Feel free to share your comments with us on our Facebook Page!

Best in Health,
By : Ashton Lynne 


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