New Seven Wonders

The New 7 Wonders Foundation is a private organization established in 2001, which is dedicated to investing in good causes related with the monument preservation and reconstruction around the world.

This organization prepared a global contest on Internet whose goal was to find the New Seven Wonders of the World. This election was made through a global vote on its website. Finally, on July 07, 2007 the election’s results were announced and these are the proclaimed New Seven Wonders of the World:

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Chichen Itza, Mexico

Chichen Itza - Mexico

Chichen Itza is the religious center more amazing of the Mexican history and one of citadels Mayan more ancient.

More about Chichen Itza | Photos: 2 | Videos: 1

Christ the Redeemer, Brazil

Christ the Redeemer - Brazil

Christ the Redeemer, the most important monument of the Catholic parishioners waits for the visitors of the whole world with the opened arms.

More about Christ the Redeemer | Photos: 5 | Videos: 5

Great Wall of China, China

Great Wall of China - China

One of the most famous structures of the world and unique human structure that can be seen from the space.

More about Great Wall of China | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu - Peru

One of the new seven wonders, the most beautiful Inca city and the main archeological site of America.

More about Machu Picchu | Photos: 3 | Videos: 3

Petra, Jordan

Petra - Jordan

Petra, the giant red mountains and extensive mausoleums are appreciated for being one of the greatest wonders worked by the Nature and the Man.

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Roman Colosseum, Italy

Roman Colosseum - Italy

An elliptical amphitheatre, the Coliseum is one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering.

More about Roman Colosseum | Photos: 2 | Videos: 2

Taj Mahal, India

Taj Mahal - India

Taj Mahal or the epitome of love is a magnificent monument that reflects an immense love.

More about Taj Mahal | Photos: 11 | Videos: 1

Man-made Wonders

The most famous list of the Man Made Wonders was ideated by the travel writer Howard Hillman, who published over 25 books about travelling, cooking and wine; besides, he has a prestigious column in the travel section of famous “New York Times”.

Initially, his list was personal, but in 1968, when he showed it to some travellers in Machu Picchu (Peru), he decided to realize a consensus list. He compiled this list with the following top man-made tourist travel wonders of the world:

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Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat - Cambodia

It is a wonderful temple in Cambodia constructed by the Khmer dinasty

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Forbidden City, China

Forbidden City - China

It is the largest and best preserved imperial palace in China and it is together with the Great Wall the most representative Chinese national symbol.

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Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Great Pyramid of Giza - Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza , also called Khufu's Pyramid or the Pyramid of Khufu, and Pyramid of Cheops, is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis

More about Great Pyramid of Giza | Photos: 2 | Videos: 1

Great Wall of China, China

Great Wall of China - China

One of the most famous structures of the world and unique human structure that can be seen from the space.

More about Great Wall of China | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Karnak Temple, Egypt

Karnak Temple - Egypt

The religious complex of Karnak at Luxor was the most important religious center in Egypt while Thebes was the capital of the Empire, its wonderful temples and sculptures are one of the greatest wonders of the planet

More about Karnak Temple | Photos: 2 | Videos: 1

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu - Peru

One of the new seven wonders, the most beautiful Inca city and the main archeological site of America.

More about Machu Picchu | Photos: 3 | Videos: 3

Taj Mahal, India

Taj Mahal - India

Taj Mahal or the epitome of love is a magnificent monument that reflects an immense love.

More about Taj Mahal | Photos: 11 | Videos: 1

Temples of Bagan, Burma

Temples of Bagan - Burma

The temples of Bagan or Pagan (as anciently was known this place) are an extraordinary set of ancient Buddhist sanctuaries, which were built mainly between the X and XII centuries in the actual territory of Myanmar (Burma)

More about Temples of Bagan | Photos: 13 | Videos: 1

Temples of Bali, Indonesia

Temples of Bali - Indonesia

Bali is known as the Island of the Gods. This paradisiacal Islands has and endless number of Hindu temples, each one more beautiful than the other

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Teotihuacan , Mexico

Teotihuacan - Mexico

Teotihuacan is the most visited archeological complex of Mexico. It is famous by its pyramids, which are amongst the highest pre-Colombian constructions of America

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Civil Engineering Wonders

New technologies and materials have allowed the humans to build structures increasingly impressive and complex, paying tribute to the modern society's ability for achieving the unachievable and refusing the notion of "it can't be done".

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a professional body founded in 1852, represents the members of the civil engineering profession around the world. This society made its own list of marvels of the civil engineering in an effort to recognize an actual equivalent to the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World.

Most monuments of this list were constructed in the last 100 years thanks to sophisticated software programs and impressive new materials which are allowing the civil engineers to realize new infrastructure projects of unprecedented scale. The seven Modern World Wonders designated by ASCE are:

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Channel Tunnel, France

Channel Tunnel - France

Channel Tunnel is the largest engineering project in history of the humanity

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CN Tower, Canada

CN Tower - Canada

The CN Tower one of the largest engineering works of our time and tourism centre in the world more recognizable.

More about CN Tower | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Delta Works, Netherlands

Delta Works - Netherlands

The Delta Works is one of the most impressive structures in the world with its hydraulic system improves water balance which protects Netherlands from storms and high sea levels.

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Empire State Building, United States

Empire State Building - United States

The Empire State Building in New York City is one of the most famous skyscrapers in the world known over for its history, architecture, and as a symbol of American industry.

More about Empire State Building | Photos: 1 | Videos: 7

Itaipu Dam, Brazil

Itaipu Dam - Brazil

The Itaipu Dam is one of the largest operational hydroelectric power plant output of any dam in the world.

More about Itaipu Dam | Photos: 5 | Videos: 5

Panama Canal, Panama

Panama Canal - Panama

The Panama Canal is a major ship canal connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is also one of the biggest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken before.

More about Panama Canal | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

The Golden Gate Bridge, United States

The Golden Gate Bridge - United States

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world and has become an internationally recognized symbol of San Francisco and California.

More about The Golden Gate Bridge | Photos: 1 | Videos: 6

Underwater Wonders

The list of the Seven Underwater Wonders of the World was created by CEDAM International (Conservation, Education, Diving, Awareness and Marine research), a non-profit organization of divers. This organization is dedicated to the Sea research and conservation.

CEDAM began the Seven Underwater Wonders project in 1989 in order to protect the underwater wonders, before they will be lost forever. The places declared as underwater wonders were selected basis of its beauty, its marine life, its scientific research value and its environmental importance. Finally, the results were revealed at the National Aquarium in Washington DC, and the list includes the following amazing places:

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Belize Barrier Reef , Belize

Belize Barrier Reef - Belize

The Belize Barrier Reef is the largest barrier reef of the western hemisphere and the second of the world. Its beauty has no comparison in the world.

More about Belize Barrier Reef | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Deep Sea Vents, Ecuador

Deep Sea Vents - Ecuador

They are also known as hydrothermal vents. They sustain some of the most bizarre and impressive ecosystems of the world, since these ecosystems are to a great depth and live without sunlight.

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Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Galapagos Islands - Ecuador

This archipelago is the home of some of the most beautiful and impressive species of the world, which inspired to Charles Darwin to create the Evolution Theory.

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Palau Reefs, Palau

Palau Reefs - Palau

The Palau Archipelago is one of the Seven Underwater Wonders of the World and is one of the most biodiverse Corals Reefs of the world.

More about Palau Reefs | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

The Great Barrier Reef  , Australia

The Great Barrier Reef - Australia

It is the largest Corals Reef of the world and is the only collective organism that can be seen from the orbit of the Earth.

More about The Great Barrier Reef | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

The Lake Baikal, Russia

The Lake Baikal - Russia

The Lake Baikal is the deepest lake of the world and the largest reservoir of fresh surface water of the planet and host a great variety of endemic species of flora and fauna.

More about The Lake Baikal | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

The Northern Red Sea, Jordan

The Northern Red Sea - Jordan

It is considered one of the best places of the world to do scuba diving, it is known also as the "Underwater Garden of Eden".

More about The Northern Red Sea | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Middle Ages Wonders

Throughout the history, men have sought to identify the wonders of their own time. During the Middle Ages, the medieval mind was also captivated by the amazing structures created by humanity, therefore, many academics and philosophers interested for the great classic civilizations like Greece and Rome, wanted to revive part of their glory remembering the list of marvels created in the classic age.

Most structures of these lists were constructed much earlier than Medieval Times. Nevertheless, the authors of these new medieval lists of marvels have included their own wonders and opinion in order to reflect the spirit of their time.

The main list contains more than seven wonders, and it is known as “Wonders of the Middle Ages” despite that the concept "Middle Age" did not become popular until the 16th century. The list includes the following marvels:

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Cairo Citadel, Egypt

Cairo Citadel - Egypt

The Saladin Citadel of Cairo is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Egypt with the Muqattan hill, Mosque of Muhammad Ali and wonderful Islamic structures.

More about Cairo Citadel | Photos: 3 | Videos: 1

Cluny Abbey, France

Cluny Abbey - France

The monastery was once the greatest power in Europe and the centre of a major monastic movement during the Middle ages.

More about Cluny Abbey | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Ely Cathedral, England

Ely Cathedral - England

Ely Cathedral known as “the ship of the Fens” is one of the most amazing engineering feats of middle Ages with the unique form of its Octagon Tower.

More about Ely Cathedral | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Great Wall of China, China

Great Wall of China - China

One of the most famous structures of the world and unique human structure that can be seen from the space.

More about Great Wall of China | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Hagia Sophia, Turkey

Hagia Sophia - Turkey

The basilica represents a major revolution in church construction and is the most beautiful building that survived to the fire, to the earthquake and the vandalism of rioters.

More about Hagia Sophia | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Kom el Shoqafa Catacombs, Egypt

Kom el Shoqafa Catacombs - Egypt

The Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa is a multi level labyrinth featuring dozens of chambers adorned with sculpted pillars, statues and other Romano Egyptian religious symbols, burial niches and sarcophagi

More about Kom el Shoqafa Catacombs | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa - Italy

The leaning tower of Pisa an artwork that performed in three stages is the campanile or freestanding bell tower of the Pisa’s Cathedral.

More about Leaning Tower of Pisa | Photos: 1 | Videos: 1

Porcelain Tower of Nanjing, China

Porcelain Tower of Nanjing - China

A sublimely elegant example of Buddhist Architecture that in its golden times was covered with superior quality white and shining porcelain bricks interlaid with colored stones.

More about Porcelain Tower of Nanjing | Photos: 1 | Videos: 0

Roman Colosseum, Italy

Roman Colosseum - Italy

An elliptical amphitheatre, the Coliseum is one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering.

More about Roman Colosseum | Photos: 2 | Videos: 2

Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge - England

Stonehenge a Neolithic and Bronze Age megalithic monument in Wiltshire consider five theories: a place for the dead, a place of healing, an ancient observatory, a place of Moon worship and UFO landing site.

More about Stonehenge | Photos: 1 | Videos: 2

Taj Mahal, India

Taj Mahal - India

Taj Mahal or the epitome of love is a magnificent monument that reflects an immense love.

More about Taj Mahal | Photos: 11 | Videos: 1


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