7 Healthy Foods to Eat to Combat Sugar Addiction in the Body

We all know that smells can bring memories and memories of your childhood and people you love can make you feel better in any situation, believe my experience. To my mind, the use of smells in our life is greatly underestimated. You can use them to boost your mood, no matter what. Different smells can create different moods; this knowledge may be of use for you as well. Here are a few wonderful smells that can improve your mood any time and any day no matter how hard it is.
Wonderful Smells That Will Improve Your Mood

1. Coffee

The smell of coffee has always made me feel cozy and protected, no matter what mood I’m in. To my mind, you can’t just smell coffee without wanting to have a cup of hot, freshly brewed drink. But even if you don’t like coffee as a drink, you can always use its smell to relieve you from stress and anxiety.

2. Protein

In order to fight sugar successfully your body needs proteins. When it comes to sugar addiction, these nutrients are considered to be the most efficient. They will provide your body with the amino acids that balance your blood sugar. What is more important – you will not crave sugar any more. Plus, protein contributes greatly to a healthy metabolism in your body. Aren’t these good reasons for you to include foods high in proteins into your daily menu?

3. Smart Snacks

Smart Snacks
Most of us usually don’t pay much attention to the snacks we consume. Very often we are extremely busy during the day so that we have no time to eat a substantial meal. As a result, we choose different snacks but they can’t give us all the nutrients and vitamins we need, moreover, they may even damage our health. I would advise you to look for smart snacks, avoiding those made of processed foods. In such way, you will minimize your sugar intake. What are these snacks? Such foods as grape tomatoes, raw nuts, carrots, plain Greek yogurt and many others are known to be smart snacks. They will help you to cope with sugar cravings easily. In case you have a strong desire to eat some sweets, you can try low sugar fruits as a substitution. Strawberries and grapefruit are among the lowest sugar fruits, so you’ll definitely benefit from these sweet and delicious foods. Personally I give preference to raw vegetables and nuts.

4. Huge Salads

Huge Salads
It would be nice if you had salads in your menu every day. We generally use veggies, leafy greens and raw foods to cook these dishes and all these ingredients are incredibly important for our nutrition. I would recommend you to forget about cheese, croutons and other high fat foods when making salads. Here is the recipe of my favorite salad. Take some spinach and romaine leaves and put them into a big bowl. After, squeeze one lemon over the leaves. Then, add 1 tbsp. of olive oil and sprinkle with some black pepper. You can use any kind of vinegar like apple cider or balsamic to give your salad savory taste. These foods will keep your blood sugar under control. When the greens are ready, you can take some lean meat, like chicken or fish and add it to your salad. There are also some other sources of proteins such as nuts, quinoa, lentils and seeds. They may be used for this salad either. Vegetables like zucchini, scallions, peppers, carrots, squash will make this dish look nice and colorful. I’m convinced you’ll like this huge and tasty salad. Include it into your lunch menu and you won’t be hungry throughout the day.

5. Dark Cocoa Powder

Dark Cocoa Powder
I think this is one of the most marvelous and delicious foods that you can try for your sugar-free diet. Dietarians recommend buying unsweetened dark cocoa and using it for making smoothies or homemade mocha. What is the benefit of dark cocoa powder? It has intense chocolate flavor that is believed to combat sugar cravings. For me, it works magically. Every time I consume dark cocoa powder I don’t want any other sweet things. Another option you are supposed to try is raw cacao powder. I should admit it is even better than dark cocoa powder as it contains lots of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that the basic elements for your body.

6. Healthy Fats

Healthy Fats
Those people who have just started to remove sugar from their diet should bear in mind thathealthy fats are the most essential nutrients that lower blood sugar and burn fat in their body. You will be amazed with the results when you combine them with leafy greens, vegetables and a lean protein. Foods like raw coconut oil, olive oil, raw nuts and seeds, avocado, raw coconut meat, flax oil and hemp oil are the greatest sources of healthy fats. By adding them to your eating plan you’ll manage to fight sugar addiction and prevent weight gain.

7. Stevia

It has been proven that stevia is one of the most salubrious herbs that help people to fight various health problems. This herb is a wonderful natural substitute of sugar because it has a sweet taste and lowers blood sugar at the same time. Today you can find so many varieties of stevia; some of them are low quality and have a bitter taste. I give preference to liquid stevia which is alcohol free; it can be used at any place whenever I need. This food tastes perfectly when added to unsweetened smoothies and yogurt. Perhaps, you won’t find any other natural product that is sugar-free, gluten-free and calorie-free like stevia. When you buy stevia at the supermarket, make sure it is a high quality item, don’t stick to cheap varieties.
Having noticed that you are a sugar addict you should start fighting this health problem immediately. At first it may seem that sugar addiction is not dangerous for your health, but, in fact, it is one of the reasons you may have wrinkles, acne, heart disease and diabetes. Don’t be afraid to combat sugar addiction in your body, it’s not as difficult as you think. Do you suffer from sugar addiction? What foods do you usually eat to prevent sugar cravings?


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